+++Benevolently Beloved'+++ +++Democratic Party Idealog'+++ +++Loki Epona Phoenix' Phases+++

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Remember, all of the, Machiavellian, pseudo-Christian, lame duck, right-wing conspiracy, Republicans, of who, rose to power on what we now have plenty of evidence is a pack of lies, also, still are in power, in most of our so called, free press media outets. Those who did, or would not lie, like Bush' company, were forced out as, left-wing, pro-democracy, anti-American liberties and rights, liberal's, code named: Democrats. We must Reclaim our free American press, from a pathologically lying, Machiavellian, pseudo-political, pseudo-ideological and pseudo-theologian, overtaken' bastian of our American history.

We are going to be besieged by stories, claiming total loss, whenever, one part of a politics by, Nancy Pelosi, simply Democratically resolves in a manner, construent with real our' pro-American pro-Democracy value: we are our American government. Those whose lie's are, "Why, Christ let us kill Himself, to give us, opposition forces, against a real pro-American pro-Democracy, comprised of a free citizenry." Will claim failure whenever the result of politic's is not a heinous crime, and just an exercise of free liberties, and rights.

Remember these Machiavellian, pseudo-Christian, lame duck, right-wing conspiracy, Republicans have been all caught with their pants down, one lie resulting in a complete failure of all, "All of Bush'." American Domestic and Foriegn Policy, is not something these people are still, as of yet, willing to admit is an expose' of all, Machiavellian, pseudo-Christian, lame duck, right-wing conspiracy, Republican and Bush', foriegn and domestic policy. Let's just give Nancy Pelosi, our continued pro-American, pro-Democratic values, support and encouragement in her new office, and, let us go after all the inane, Machiavellian, pseudo-Christian, lame duck, right-wing conspiracy, Republicans infesting our free American press.

Happythanksgiving, Machiavelli, now, I will have to read your book too, as I am certain it does not say, ""The End." jusitfies "Any" Means, at all.""

Copyright 2006, Mark Robert Gates

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