+++Benevolently Beloved'+++ +++Democratic Party Idealog'+++ +++Loki Epona Phoenix' Phases+++

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


© 2006 Mark Robert Gates

An unfortunate side-affect of an Internet industry, in which, a click on, advertising scheme, of only scams and frauds, was first used, is an unwillingness by all us users of Internet sites and services, to actually even, ever attempt to click on any adds at all, after first discovering, back at the beginning, all...yes all, adds for clicking on...used on any Internet sites, or services, were not only fraudulent, none were not scams.

We were all warned, of this, yet most of us still had to actually discover this fact for ourselves. As a result, all of us who become serious Internet users, develope, an aversion to clicking on Internet advertisements. This is a problem, causing most Internet industry people, attempting to make money off of Internet advertsing, to pull out their ever-beloved hair's. As, now, try as they might, there seems to be few approaches to getting all of us Internet users, to even, ever try clicking on ads again, since that first wonderful burning sensation, of our first moonlanding. As that is where we found ourselves, on some planet's moon, being required, to submit credit card information, in order, to get ourselves, back to: Earthbase Microsoft.

Really, I fell for it, the first time, "Shoot the duck,,,win a free DVD player!" I shot the ever-loven' duck, bagged him, first attempt, and then went to get my, "free" DVD player, only to find out I was supposed to give out a credit card number, for shipping costs, in order to receive my free DVD player. I of course did not attempt to give an obvious scammer my credit information. Actually, to be honest, I did not have a credit card when I first began using Internet services.

My point here, is, except for Google, of whom, has amassed a considerable fortune, with Internet advertising based on ads from actual Internet sites, and of which, began first, as ads, in Google search pages, by advertisers, selling items like those people are searching for, in the frist place, when searching for merchandise. Elsewhere, there is still yet, a wide-spread aversion to testing the waters', by jumping in and clicking on an Internet ad. This approach, where it is obvious this ad is from a merchandiser selling the goods, I searched for, and which, is obviously capable of delivering, my heart's desire's, is why I only use, Google AdSense, for, placement of advertising, on my blogs.

All of which, I point out, to ask, if anyone ever finds an ad posted on my blogs, that is either misleading or fraudulent, please email through the email button on my profile page, and report this advertiser. Google makes it possible to block unwanted advertisers, and I am a firm believer' in having only reputable ads, on my blogs. And, as my blogs often discuss, topics such as mental illness, there is a real importance of ensuring, no one is misled, defrauded, or taken advantage of, by any advertisers.

-Mark Robert Gates

Monday, November 13, 2006

Having It Out With Melancholy

Jane Kenyon

If many remedies are prescribed for an illness,
you may be certain that the illness has no cure.

A. P. CHEKHOV The Cherry Orchard


When I was born, you waited
behind a pile of linen in the nursery,
and when we were alone, you lay down
on top of me, pressing
the bile of desolation into every pore.

And from that day on
everything under the sun and moon
made me sad -- even the yellow
wooden beads that slid and spun
along a spindle on my crib.

You taught me to exist without gratitude.
You ruined my manners toward God:
"We're here simply to wait for death;
the pleasures of earth are overrated."

I only appeared to belong to my mother,
to live among blocks and cotton undershirts
with snaps; among red tin lunch boxes
and report cards in ugly brown slipcases.
I was already yours -- the anti-urge,
the mutilator of souls.


lavil, Ludiomil, Doxepin,
Norpramin, Prozac, Lithium, Xanax,
Wellbutrin, Parnate, Nardil, Zoloft.
The coated ones smell sweet or have
no smell; the powdery ones smell
like the chemistry lab at school
that made me hold my breath.


You wouldn't be so depressed
if you really believed in God.


Often I go to bed as soon after dinner
as seems adult
(I mean I try to wait for dark)
in order to push away
from the massive pain in sleep's
frail wicker coracle.


Once, in my early thirties, I saw
that I was a speck of light in the great
river of light that undulates through time.

I was floating with the whole
human family. We were all colors -- those
who are living now, those who have died,
those who are not yet born. For a few

moments I floated, completely calm,
and I no longer hated having to exist.

Like a crow who smells hot blood
you came flying to pull me out
of the glowing stream.
"I'll hold you up. I never let my dear
ones drown!" After that, I wept for days.


The dog searches until he finds me
upstairs, lies down with a clatter
of elbows, puts his head on my foot.

Sometimes the sound of his breathing
saves my life -- in and out, in
and out; a pause, a long sigh. . . .


A piece of burned meat
wears my clothes, speaks
in my voice, dispatches obligations
haltingly, or not at all.
It is tired of trying
to be stout hearted, tired
beyond measure.

We move on to the monoamine
oxidase inhibitors. Day and night
I feel as if I had drunk six cups
of coffee, but the pain stops
abruptly. With the wonder
and bitterness of someone pardoned
for a crime she did not commit
I come back to marriage and friends,
to pink fringed hollyhocks; come back
to my desk, books, and chair.


Pharmaceutical wonders are at work
but I believe only in this moment
of well-being. Unholy ghost,
you are certain to come again.

Coarse, mean, you'll put your feet
on the coffee table, lean back,
and turn me into someone who can't
take the trouble to speak; someone
who can't sleep, or who does nothing
but sleep; can't read, or call
for an appointment for help.

There is nothing I can do
against your coming.
When I awake, I am still with thee.


High on Nardil and June light
I wake at four,
waiting greedily for the first
note of the wood thrush. Easeful air
presses through the screen
with the wild, complex song
of the bird, and I am overcome

by ordinary contentment.
What hurt me so terribly
all my life until this moment?
How I love the small, swiftly
beating heart of the bird
singing in the great maples;
its bright, unequivocal eye.

From Constance by Jane Kenyon,
published by Graywolf Press. © 1993 by Jane Kenyon.
Used with permission. All rights reserved.
Source: http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/15920

Sunday, November 12, 2006


© 2006 Mark Robert Gates

What do we do now, when we want a book on self-help? We go on down to Borders, and stand in the self-help section, and try to decide which one book is going to affect a miracle cure. Of hundreds of thousands of titles, we believe there is one book, of which, we will use to turn our tide and make us mighty. After starring at titles for a while, we give up, and head on over to the coffee shop, and order for ourself'; a triple mocha. As, we sit starring into our mochascope, we begin to wonder if we are beyond help.

Everyone says self-esteem is important, however, others say we need to be more positive to get ahead. As we sit tossing back and forth over which book to begin on, there seems to be no answer. Yet, if we really want to be as good as we can best be, there is a possibly, almost simple, answer. Read both books. One on self-esteem, and one on positive thinking. And, as long as we do not confuse one with the other, both may work together, to make a more powerful us. In fact, it just may be impossible, to change one without changing the other.

Though positive affirmations will help us think better of ourselves, and positive self-love can point us to positive success. Combining both positive thinking and higher self-worth, can be even more helpful for us, to paint in the numbers, and have our future become; one's now thornless rose. There are many ways to have both in proper proportion, to help give our ship a bow and a stern, and no matter what we think of ourselves, we will get nowhere, if we believe we have a bleak tomorrow.

I recommend, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, by Susan Jeffers, Ph.D., http://www.susanjeffers.com/, for a pathway to more positive thinking. With her help, we can almost psycho-surgically, remove negative thoughts from our mind. Then, for self-esteem, I recommend, The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, by Nathaniel Branden, http://www.nathanielbranden.com/. His book will work to give us skills necessary, to love ourselve's, with an unconditional self-love. While together, both books, will be capable of cementing in us a more positive self-esteem, and point us into a positive future, we almost magically, will be more certain to enjoy.

For myself, positive thinking helped me to begin writing again, and led to being asked to take, Appreciative Inquiry Training, an organizational; positive thinking course. And, help plan a new future, for our local mental healthcare provider. Another course, also, developed to build on strengths already existing, and avoid focusing on our past problems. And, I am now invited to share my opinion, to help point ships, like a lighthouse, away from unseen beaches with jagged reefs.

Higher self-esteem, helped to create in myself an understanding of how much my opinions mattered. I began writing many articles and essays, moreover, many people began coming to me and telling of how much they had been affected by, many positive's, in my writing. Which led to even more people asking my opinion.

Most of us can be, in need of help; putting ourselves behind our ships wheel, and steering a course out of our past psychosocial fogs. I have benefited from both positive thought's, and a better view's of myself, in a way of which, neither could have done so by itself. I see clearly now, not only love for my past, in my present moment, also, pathways and open doors, into a future of happiness. There are fewer obstacles, since most of my hindrances were self-created, and what might lie ahead, a collection of phantasms I feared, more than this; I am happy to be me. -Mark Robert Gates, Copyright 2001